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Vignan's IIT(A) - Vizag - Weather Monitoring System

Live data is currently being monitored and visualized at Vignan's institute of Information and Technology (A).

Temperature Graph

Vignan's Weather link








Wind Chill

Heat Index

Dew point

Wet Bulb

Wind Direction

Vignan's Weather link









Total Rainfall

Vignan's Weather link



Air Quality Index

Vignan's Weather link




Current AQI

1Hour AQI

NowCast AQI

Current Humidity

Vignan's Weather link

Humidity measured in %


Wind Speed

Vignan's Weather link

Current wind speed monitor

0 km/h

THSW Index

Vignan's Weather link

Current thsw index monitor

0 km/h


Vignan's Weather link











Vignan's WMS - Regular

Parameter Current Highest Lowest

Vignan's WMS - Wind Data

Wind 2 minutes 10 minutes

Vignan's WMS - Air Quality Index

AQI 1 Hour Now Cast 24 Hour

Solar Powered Weather Station for Weather Monitoring System (WMS) At VIGNAN’s IIT (A)

~23 Nov, 2022

The Solar Powered Weather Station was installed on November 23, 2022, at Environmental Sciences wing, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology (A) in conjunction with City University of New York (CUNY). In the process of a chairman from Vignan's group, Dr. Lavu Rattaiah Garu, and President Bronx Community Dr Thomas Isekenegbe who was also the person in charge of the installation. The MOU was also signed on the occasion by two institution Heads, As a part of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) weather station was sponsored by the CUNY, USA

The installation of the weather station commenced at 11:00 am at Vignan, accompanied by a formal ceremony when the Solar Powered Weather Station was inaugurated by Honorable Rector Prof. V Madhusudhana Rao and Principal Dr B Arundati. Prof Neal Philip and Prof Paramita Sen, Dr Shakila Merchant. Dr Tarendra Lakhankar and Dr Reza Khanbilvardi together with department heads, faculty members, and students from Vignan and other schools in the vicinity, attended the event.

The chairman of Vignan Group Dr. Lavu Rattaiaha expressed words of happiness about the installation of weather station by CUNY team, he conveyed sincere thanks to the president Dr Thomas Isekenegbe, CUNY for choosing Vignan, Vizag campus, he assured the CUNY team for collaboration works between Vignan and CUNY

The president Bronx Community Dr Thomas Isekenegbe over whelmed with the hospitality extended by Vignan and expressed his gratitude with the chairman of Vignan group and promised that the team from CUNY would be always come forward any kind of collaborations.

While addressing the Rector of the institute Dr V Madhusudhana Rao, thanked the CUNY team for choosing VIIT (A) for establishing the weather station, he added by saying the installation of the weather staion is a unique in the state of Andhra Pradesh, He informed the faculty and students thet the data obtained from the weather station could be used mu;tiple way for forecasting various parameters and making prediction studies.

Dr. B Arundati, Principal,Vignan IIT (A) welcomed Honorable Special Guest, President Bronx Community Dr ThomaIsekenegbe and principal Investigators Prof. Neal Philip, Prof Paramita Sen from the City University of New York and requested them to share their valuable insights with audience. And share about the role of collaboration for the benefit of the research in vignan.

Prof. Neal Philip explained that the weather statio generates real time data and reports of relative temperature, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, Ultravoilet radiation, rainfall collector, air quality, pollution level, solar radiation and carbon dioxide levels, which can be accessed from anywhere.He showed his interests for more collaborative researchwithIn his address to the gathering, also shares an overview of ongoing research work on climate change at Bronx Community College (BCC), CUNY and future collaboration with Vignan IIT (A).

Dr Paramita Sen, Professor BCC, CUNY, She showed his interests for more collaborative research with Vignan IIT(A), Vizag and expressed her happiness for witnessing this event and congratulated everyone for having a start of new year with this special occasion which is academically important for students, faculties and society. Also demonstrated Fuel cell car and expressed the importance of fuel cell in transportation sector to control the pollution and save the traditional fuels for future generation

During an interactive session, students from Vignan and CUNY expressed their views about the newly installed weather station which can stimulate new research ideas in them and can be used to develop projects in the field of climate and climate change to help the local community. Students were excited about this promising academic collaboration between the two countries.

The Vote of thanks was given by Mr. Yogesh Sambhana and Dr. Sirisha. K to conclude the inaugural session.

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